Dental Implant Provisional

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Whether the intent is a delayed or immediate implant restoration, a dental implant may require a provisional crown. This can be accomplished in the laboratory or chairside.

Removable Provisional


Made in lab


Fixed Provisional


Made Chairside


Not Like Other Dental Restorations, Dental Implant Needs 3-6 months Osseointegration Phase


Dental Implant Provisional is a Must for Front Teeth


Implant Custom Healing Abutment

Disadvantage Of Existing Provisional


To achieve successful treatment outcomes of esthetic dental implants, both surgical and prosthetic management are of paramount significance. The prosthetic-driven surgical implant placement and the sub-epithelial connective graft facilitate esthetic implant restorations with pleasing peri-implant soft tissue architecture.20 Also, soft tissue management with provisional restorations is essential.

The Screw is the biggest problem


Waste Of All Time and Materials

Use One time, then discard


Dr Jiachang Zhang’s Patents


Dental Implant Companies With Innovation



Abutment Design for Implant-Supported Indirect Composite Molar Crowns: Reliability and Fractography

How do hydrophilic surfaces speed up the healing process?

Factors affecting the early failure of implants placed in a dental practice with a specialization in implantology – a retrospective study

Polyceramics — A New Alternative for Implants

Post and core build-ups in crown and bridge abutments: Bio-mechanical advantages and disadvantages

The influence of the restorative material on the mechanical behavior of screw-retained hybrids-abutment-crowns

A digital approach for one-step formation of the supra-implant emergence profile with an individualized CAD/CAM healing abutment

Damping behavior of implant-supported restorations

A Customized Healing Abutment for Immediate and Delayed Implant Cases

Why abutment surface matters for soft tissue health

Response of soft tissue to different abutment materials with different surface topographies: a review of the literature

Prosthetically Driven Implant Surgery: Redefined

How To Create the perfect emergence profile for dental implant restorations

Healing Abutment Rescue (Part 1)

Healing Abutment Rescue (Part 2)

Composite resin bridges: reflecting on 20 years of success

The Direct Composite Bridge: Still a Unique Solution for Some Clinical Situations

Single Visit Bridge

Creating a Single-Visit, Fibre-Reinforced, Composite Resin Bridge by Using a Natural Tooth Pontic: A Viable Alternative to a PFM Bridge

Effect of different composite core materials on fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with FRC posts


Techniques to Control or Avoid Cement Around Implant-Retained Restorations